BONDI Energy understands how a building’s existing electrical capacity can be a barrier when fuel switching to install energy-efficient heat pumps. We have experience working with utility companies to develop electrical upgrade plans, submit applications, and streamline the process of increasing electrical capacity. BONDI Energy is a certified clean heat contractor in many utility programs, such as ConEd in New York.

Overcoming the Building Electrical Capacity Hurdle Towards Decarbonization

The Problem

Fuel switching by replacing a gas-heated legacy boiler with energy-efficient heat pumps often requires the utility provider to increase the electrical capacity of the building. The utility provider charges a high upfront capital cost to the building owner to increase electrical grid capacity from the transformer to the building, thus disincentivizing heat pump retrofits, electrification and decarbonization.

Conversely, once this costly infrastructure is installed, the utility provider has a low variable electric generation cost to generate and transmit electricity.

Our team will secure funding from local utility and government programs as well as federal funding from the IRA. To further support building owners, BONDI Energy offers multiple financing options. Visit our financing page for more information.

The Solution

Bondi proposes that utility providers support the electrification transition by leveraging their low variable electric generation costs to offer rebates to building owners who are footing the upfront infrastructure costs.

This proposed kWh Transferrable Rebate would continue to allow utility providers to pass the upfront capital risk to the building owner, remove the bottleneck to electrification, and increase electrical capacity on the grid, all while creating future revenue and meeting their government’s net zero mandates.

Bondi Energy would like to engage with the local government, utility providers and stakeholders in your city to initiate a Differential kWh Transferrable Rebate Program to further increase the adoption of heat pump retrofits, building electrification and decarbonization.