for Clean Heat and Energy Efficiency Retrofits

Traditional financing for energy efficiency retrofits requires building owners to take out an additional mortgage or have liens placed against their property.  This can limit a building owner’s ability to refinance or sell, thus disincentivizing the initiation of energy efficiency upgrades.

Bondi Energy overcomes this hurdle by offering unique financing solutions.

BONDI’S Financing options are designed to avoid encumbering the building owner’s property and to allow for future sales and refinancing.

Our funding is 100%, long-term, fixed-rate for energy efficiency and sustainability upgrades in multifamily and commercial buildings.


Business-Covenant Equipment Financing

is based on the building owner’s business’s ability to pay back an equipment financing charge, not on the value of the building asset, allowing the building to attain first mortgages.


Commercial Property-Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE)

is a structure in which building owners finance energy efficiency retrofits through the building owner’s property taxes. The financing arrangement remains with the property and is transferable upon sale. 


Energy as a Service (EaaS)

is a non-debt, off-balance sheet method of financing with no encumbrance.  EaaS provides a no up-front capital method for upgrades that realizes immediate savings on utility bills.

Bondi Energy is a Finance Provider for the Con Edison Clean Heat Financing Program.

Contact us to discuss partnering on your next energy retrofit project.