Vancouver Sun: Building Emissions Fines | What We Can Learn From Other Cities
Vancouver’s impending emission fines for large commercial buildings and multi-family buildings are a step in the right direction for increasing the adoption of building electrification, but fines will only be successful if they are layered with focused incentives and good policy. If executed poorly, building emission fines are just another tax of good intention that will miss the target of reducing our dependence on gas.
INOVUES Announces Strategic Partnership with BONDI Energy to Propel Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Buildings
Climate-Tech Synergies: INOVUES and BONDI Energy Collaboration to Drive Adoption of Heat Pumps and Window Retrofits.
The collaborative effort of these innovative companies offers building owners a high-ROI, low-carbon path to not only save on energy consumption but also improve indoor comfort, enhancing the value and sustainability of buildings.
BONDI Energy Named One of Ontario’s Top 10 Cleantech Companies
Awarded by Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA), BONDI is making room on the grid by retrofitting electrically heated apartments with heat pumps and decarbonizing buildings by utilizing government incentives and financial modeling to increase the adoption of eliminating gas as a building heating source.
As Seen In: The Globe And Mail.
Heat Pumps: Cutting Costs While Cooling Tenants
Bondi Energy, has developed another variation on the theme – a straightforward and relatively inexpensive approach to retrofitting older multi-unit residential buildings with technology that both improves energy efficiency while also providing cooling to un-air-conditioned dwellings