As Homeowners Turn to Green Energy, Old Condo Buildings Are the Next Frontier, Says Bondi Energy Founder

Belinda Gilbey’s Toronto-based company uses energy-efficient heat-pump technology to decarbonize buildings


Belinda Gilbey has devoted her life to finding cost-efficient, environmentally friendly energy solutions for interior environments.

Her mission to reduce energy consumption and create a greener tomorrow is a passion that fueled her to found Bondi Energy in 2019, a Toronto-based company that utilizes a novel, energy-efficient heat-pump technology to decarbonize buildings. 

And it’s a process that’s helping to create a healthier planet: Buildings in Bondi’s Chicago and Toronto portfolios, for example, have reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 50%. Heat pumps themselves reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 38% to 58% compared to gas furnaces.

Bondi’s heat pump units are sleeker and more streamlined, so residents of high-end buildings don’t have to look at unsightly units to keep them cool during the summer months, as they eliminate the need for window AC units.

“We focus on increasing building values when we install heat pumps—so, aesthetics and equipment longevity are key project factors,” Gilbey said.  

We caught up with Gilbey recently to find out more about the benefits of heat-pump systems and how Bondi is helping to decarbonize the environment, one building at a time.

Q: How did you come to helming Bondi Energy? What’s your background?

A: “I went to college for mechanical engineering and started my career in the renewable-energy industry working for a solar company. Eventually, I transitioned to the HVAC field and took a keen interest in heat-pump technology as a solution for making buildings green and energy efficient. When I met my business partner, Aaron Graben, who was a customer at the time, we decided to join forces and build a business that focuses on retrofitting buildings with heat pumps and other energy-efficient technologies.”

Q: What is Bondi Energy known for? 

A: “Bondi offers a turnkey service to building owners—everything from initial energy audits to engineering, to construction, project management, and ongoing service. We’re known for being a one-stop shop and act as a true implantation partner for building owners to execute complicated projects in occupied buildings.”. 

Q: Can you explain what a heat pump is and how your technology makes them more energy-efficient and climate-friendly?

A: “A heat pump is a type of HVAC equipment, like a furnace or air conditioner, that can provide both heating and cooling all by itself. Heat pumps use a relatively small amount of energy [electricity] to “pump” heat out of the air. In the winter they move heat from outside air to the inside of a home, and in the summer, they work in reverse, rejecting hot indoor air to the outside. Most heat pumps are powered by electricity, not gas, which makes them environmentally friendly. Heat-pump technology is three-to-four times more energy efficient than gas-heated buildings, significantly lowering building carbon emissions, reducing energy bills, and improving air quality. It’s the most energy-efficient way to heat and cool buildings and plays a vital role in the global shift toward decarbonization.  

pumps reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 38–58% compared to gas furnaces.”

Q: What do you love most about your job? 

A: I love collaborating with customers to solve complex problems that overlap between real estate and engineering. For example, how do we convert a gas-heated building to a heat-pump system when there isn’t enough electrical supply? These are the types of problems we work on daily.”

Q: How are Bondi heat pumps more elegant than standard heat pumps? 

A: We work with a variety of manufacturers, but one in particular—Innova—offers an innovative line of heat pumps without outdoor compressors. The units are self-contained and do not require refrigerant piping connections to an outdoor unit. They are sleek, modern and beautifully designed.”

Q: How are Bondi heat pumps more elegant than standard heat pumps?

A:We work with a variety of manufacturers, but one in particular—Innova—offers an innovative line of heat pumps without outdoor compressors. The units are self-contained and do not require refrigerant piping connections to an outdoor unit. They are sleek, modern and beautifully designed.”


Q: Are you seeing more homeowners investing in climate-friendly solutions for their home?  

A: “Absolutely. In the U.S., heat pumps overtook gas furnace sales in 2022 after years of almost equal growth. This is due to such factors as increased policy support, incentives for heat pumps in light of high natural gas prices and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” 

Q: What is your definition of luxury?

A: Luxury to me means comfort, ease and elevated aesthetics.”

Q: What would your dream home look like?

A: It would be a passive house rated in terms of energy efficiency, located near a large body of water, flooded with natural light and decorated minimally with lots of natural hardwood and stone finishings.”

Q: What is the outlook for the future of green building?

A: It’s looking bright. Green-building standards are being improved and implemented across North America, encouraging developers to construct buildings with a higher degree of insulation, less energy waste and less greenhouse gases or carbon emissions. However, while most heat pumps in the U.S. today are installed in single-family homes, there is a lot of work to do in the multifamily and commercial space to retrofit existing buildings with heat pumps.”

This interview was edited for length and clarity. 

