Mansion Global: As Homeowners Turn to Green Energy, Old Condo Buildings Are the Next Frontier, Says Bondi Energy Founder

Belinda Gilbey’s Toronto-based company uses energy-efficient heat-pump technology to decarbonize buildings. She has devoted her life to finding cost-efficient, environmentally friendly energy solutions for interior environments.

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Porter Airlines Magazine: Entrepreneur and Green Building Enthusiast

Even in her downtime, Belinda Gilbey thinks green. As co-founder and president of BONDI Energy, which specializes in retrofitting traditional fuel-burning heating systems with high-efficiency electric heat pumps, the clean-tech entrepreneur finds comfort in the cluster of parks, waterways, and trails that make up the natural wonder of the Toronto Islands.

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Canary Media: Charging Up - A chat with Belinda Gilbey, president of Bondi Energy

“There’s a lot of buzz around software applications and cloud-based solutions, which is great, but I would say don’t shy away from the boots-on-the-ground work that’s involved in climatetech. What I mean by that is working for manufacturers, working for contractors — the people that are actually executing these retrofit projects and getting dirty, so to speak. There’s a lot of interesting work in the space that’s not just in data, IT and software.”

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NYREJ: Global Energy Firm Bondi Energy Launches NYC Office

Bondi Energy, a pioneering project management firm specializing in the decarbonization and electrification of buildings with heat pumps and energy-efficient technologies, today announces the launch of its first New York City office.

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As Seen In: The Globe And Mail.
Heat Pumps: Cutting Costs While Cooling Tenants

Bondi Energy, has developed another variation on the theme – a straightforward and relatively inexpensive approach to retrofitting older multi-unit residential buildings with technology that both improves energy efficiency while also providing cooling to un-air-conditioned dwellings

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