Arbitraging EV Charging & Heat Pump Retrofits
For Every Electrically Heated Apartment Retrofitted with a Heat Pump, Two EV Chargers can be Installed.
Multifamily Building owners are struggling to meet the growing demand for overnight EV Charging, due to their building’s limited available electrical capacity.
BONDI Energy’s Heat Pump retrofits can free electrical capacity by up to 60% in electrically heated multifamily buildings. This surplus can allow for the installation of up to two EV Chargers for every apartment retrofitted with a Heat Pump.
A 100-unit Heat Pump retrofitted apartment building could install up to 200 EV Chargers and earn up to $200,000 per year in additional revenue.
*There are factors that affect the number of EV Chargers that can be installed, the above is an estimate based on a typical electrically heated multifamily building.
Armed with stackable rebates and incentives to offset the capital costs of installing both Heat Pumps and EV Chargers, building owners can better position themselves to attract tenants with electric vehicles and arbitrage their newly available electrical capacity as income.
EV Charging arbitrage is another benefit to add to the list when evaluating heat pump retrofits, including:
Reduce the bulk meter electric bill by 50%, adding to net income.
Add air conditioning and programmable heating/cooling, attracting higher rents. • Increase tenant comfort and retention. • Securitize against rising energy costs and fines (Example: Local Law 97 in NYC).
Access to green funding and mortgages. • Participate in Utility Providers’ demand response programs.
Decarbonize your building and reduce grid demand.
BONDI Energy
BONDI Energy’s focus is to retrofit multifamily buildings with Heat Pumps and other energy-efficient technologies to increase building values and decarbonize.
BONDI Energy delivers a full turnkey heat-pump retrofit process, as well as separate metering, windows, lighting, water, insulation, sensors, and BAS systems solar panels, cladding and EV-charging.
We understand the value that energy retrofits have for building owners, and we are on a mission to decarbonize as many buildings as possible.
For an understanding of how a heat pump retrofit can increase your building’s net income and cap rate value while introducing EV charging stations, please contact us:
Belinda Gilbey
Co/Founder and President
Aaron Graben
Co/Founder and Vice President
Malo McKay
Head of Business Development