INOVUES Announces Strategic Partnership with BONDI Energy to Propel Energy Efficiency Retrofits in Buildings
Climate-Tech Synergies: INOVUES and BONDI Energy Collaboration to Drive Adoption of Heat Pumps and Window Retrofits.
The collaborative effort of these innovative companies offers building owners a high-ROI, low-carbon path to not only save on energy consumption but also improve indoor comfort, enhancing the value and sustainability of buildings.
Arbitraging EV Charging & Heat Pump Retrofits
A 100-unit Heat Pump retrofitted apartment building could install up to 200 EV Chargers and earn up to $200,000 per year in additional revenue.
Overcoming the Building Electrical Capacity Hurdle Toward Decarbonization
Bondi Energy would like to engage with the local government, utility providers, and stakeholders in your city to initiate a Differential kWh Transferrable Rebate Program to further increase the adoption of heat pump retrofits, building electrification and decarbonization.