ADPRO: The Great Gas Range Debate - Electrifying Buildings
The main concerns around gas ranges are safety, sustainability, and cost. For these reasons, Belinda Gilbey, CEO of Bondi Energy, is in the business of electrifying buildings. “Health and safety are key benefits of electric stoves over gas,” she says. “Obviously, there is no open flame with an electric stove, which can be a fire hazard, nor the risk of carbon monoxide fumes, which can be harmful or deadly.”
Arbitraging EV Charging & Heat Pump Retrofits
A 100-unit Heat Pump retrofitted apartment building could install up to 200 EV Chargers and earn up to $200,000 per year in additional revenue.
As Seen in BIV: Heat Pump Demand Rising in B.C. With Grant Support
A building owner that invests $1 million in heat pumps for a 100-unit building would qualify for $300,000 in refundable credits, said Belinda Gilbey, president of Bondi Energy, a Toronto-based company that specializes in heat pump installations in multi-unit buildings and now has clients in B.C.
As Seen In: Energy Manager Canada
BONDI Energy Corp, which specializes in heat pump retrofits for multi-family buildings and commercial properties across North America, just became one of Ontario’s Top 10 Cleantech Companies for energy efficiency and grid firming.
As Seen In: The Globe And Mail.
Heat Pumps: Cutting Costs While Cooling Tenants
Bondi Energy, has developed another variation on the theme – a straightforward and relatively inexpensive approach to retrofitting older multi-unit residential buildings with technology that both improves energy efficiency while also providing cooling to un-air-conditioned dwellings